Press Release
Industry Leader calls for ‘Golden Rules’ for mining Emergency Response Industry – get with 20/20 in 2020.
To many resource industry first responders are at risk, in jeopardy – due to interpretation it’s a ticking time bomb. Accidents are happening already we need to act now before it’s too late and it costs lives…
Risk and Emergency has released its critical `Golden Rules` for emergency response improvements and recommended standards for the private providers sector.
The rules, which would apply to the private emergency responder providers across Australia, particularly in the resource sectors, place an emphasis on safety and best practise – as compared to the current situation of self-direction and application of context.
Context of requirements is being over-run by `industry behaviours` these poor habits have muddled the true necessity – responders underpinning knowledge and skills, experience and correct qualifications are being lost to interpretation and lack of understanding.
“While too much regulation is not warranted, some guiding principles will be of assistance to see a minimal standard set through the demonstration of exemplary performance, and expectation of commitment”
“The Fire Service industry has been around for a lot longer than the mining emergency response industry has, so there is a lot to learn from them.”
Having a set of `golden rules` that underline the importance of complete transparency, assessing and observing any safety impacts and minimal standards is assured to benefit the industry.
As an example- we must address the `staffing dilemma` – to few people are solely responsible for responding to their sites emergency incidents. Most respond without knowledge, skill training and experiences, also inadequate support mechanisms from properly trained managers.
Ii is appreciated the impasse to the mine itself, as they wonder how and where the extra money would come from to raise these criteria’s; even so, we must remove the circumstance of context and content requirements being interpreted to a monetary advantage.
The industry must commit to a safer response capability and attitude before something serious happens with extreme consequence; governments and regulators must ensure that appropriate policies and regulatory regimes are put in place.
The Golden Rules (as determined by best practise)
Establish, Measure, Monitor and Engage
Ensure a consistently high level of performance
Suite 1 – 32 Barclay rd. Cairns 4870